John will expound on various concepts and share information through this blog.
Based on these stories, I learned three valuable lessons:
While this is a bottom-up organization, the leaders need to empower and support the members.
It is possible to innovate and grow, while still honoring those who came before us.
A well-integrated Auxiliary only makes our organization stronger.
When I started in the Department chairs, my goal was to leave the organization better than I found it. Not to say it was in poor condition to begin with, but I did see room for improvement. Below is the speech I gave at my Installation. I hope to bring the same themes of Fraternity, Fidelity, and Philanthropy to the National VFW.
My VFW Family
Greetings Comrades, Auxiliary members, friends and family.
I want to start today with the story about, how over 20 years ago, my Post nearly lost its charter. Thankfully, three Desert Storm-era veterans stepped up and got involved. However, before they made any radical changes, they made it a point to sit down with Ray Starkey.
For those who never knew Ray, he was a WWII Navy veteran who joined the VFW in 1951. Rumor has it, he was sworn in by some of the Founders of our great organization: the Spanish-American War veterans who fought in Manila in 1899.
It was important to these new line officers—George Caulkins, Izzy Abbass, and Michael Mitchel—that they get buy-in from someone they considered to be a living part of VFW history. So, it was with Ray’s blessing, that these “young guys” set off to reinvent their Post.
From this came the Veterans Arts Council, the yoga program, and an overall focus on wellness. At the time, these out-of-the-box ideas attracted the attention of then Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief, Brian Duffy. Chief, thank you for making a special trip to visit our Post and validating that we were on the right track.
Additionally, the leaders from that era have all told me, many times and very emphatically, that the Post would have never gotten that far if it weren’t for the Post Auxiliary. During that period of transformation, it was the Auxiliary that kept the programs, and the Post itself alive.
Based on these stories, I learned three valuable lessons:
While this is a bottom-up organization, the leaders need to empower and support the members
It is possible to innovate and grow, while still honoring those who came before us
A well-integrated Auxiliary only makes our organization stronger.
To symbolize this last point, Past Department President and Auxiliary Installing Officer Linda Reinpold has provided my Council with her POW/MIA pin to wear in lieu of flowers. Thank you, Linda, for allowing them to do so.
I hope these lessons will inspire everyone in this room to work together as we “meet the challenge” given to us by our next Commander-in-Chief, Duane Sarmiento.
Duane, along with Al Lipphart and Carol Whitmore, have crunched the numbers and set the goal to grow membership by 102% each of the next three years, in order to get the VFW back over one million members.
Why is this important? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not because Kansas City needs our dues…
It is because membership equals voice!
Whereas many veterans’ organizations must testify as a panel in front of Congress, the Chief and his staff sit at the table alone. This gives the VFW a unique opportunity to advocate for things like the PACT Act, the Major Richard Star Act, the GUARD Act, and many others. It is only natural that the more members we have the more the elected officials will pay attention.
This is where I like to point out that when the Chief testifies, he states he is doing so on behalf of the 1.5 million VFW and Auxiliary members.
I honestly believe by utilizing our programs, getting out in the community, and doing good deeds, we will grow organically, as veterans and their family members will ask us how they can participate.
Not only am I confident the VFW in Colorado will “meet the challenge” of 102% for the next three years but with the proper mindset, the proper skillset, and a plan of action we will in fact beat the challenge.
Thanks to John Davis and his Veterans Trust Fund Grant Workshop, five Posts have a plan to spend over $133,000 to assist needy veterans with things like rental and housing assistance, provide them with food and gas cards, help with vehicle repairs, and host standdowns.
If your Post isn’t a part of the VTF program, plan to attend the next workshop at the August COA. In the meantime, visit the National VFW website to see what grants are available to your Posts and Auxiliaries.
For example, last October, Post 3981 in Grand Junction utilized a #StillServing grant to enhance their participation in a standdown outside their VA Hospital. They handed-out food and clothing to 285 veterans that day and were reimbursed $1500 from our National Headquarters. Great job!
Don’t wait for school to start to promote the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay contests. Have a plan to tap into your friends and families to get the word out about these scholarship opportunities. Be sure to take advantage of the Scholars App to make submitting and judging easier. And don’t forget to reach out to home school organizations.
Which reminds me of my District’s Patriot’s Pen winner, who is home schooled. She mentioned a grandfather that fought in Korea. So, after the ceremony, I approached her mother, who, based on the essay, was eligible for the Auxiliary and got her to join.
Plan to acknowledge your local teachers, police officers, firefighters and EMS personnel. Don’t get caught up in trying to find a candidate who you think will “win” at the national level. Treat these awards as a simple way to show your gratitude for those in your community doing the hardest jobs.
Team up with businesses in your community. Start with the national partners, like Humana, Sports Clips, and Burger King, as they directly support the big national programs. But also engage local organizations, like Quilts of Valor, who came to the Joint Opening and presented quilts to two of our members.
If your Post is near a Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburger, go in and introduce yourself to the manager. Thanks to State Surgeon Todd Van Sant, the VFW is now working to host Veteran Nights at the Littleton location, where we will set up an information and recruiting table.
Partner with other veterans’ organizations, like Colorado Veterans Project, who donated $4500 to three of our Posts at the COA, in order to support local food banks.
Finally, have a plan for when someone asks, “why should I join the VFW?”
I like to brag about the VFW legislative victories, and we don’t get those victories without a strong membership. Promote our most recent victory, the PACT Act, and direct veterans to so they can connect with an accredited VFW Service Officer, like Matt Cummings.
About 10-years ago, a Marine I deployed with during Desert Storm was diagnosed with bladder and colon cancer. Unfortunately, all the claims he filed after he first got sick were denied.
But with the passage of the PACT Act, his conditions are now considered presumptive, and, thanks to Matt’s help, my buddy Kent is now rated 100% service connected.
Matt, your efforts not only changed his life, but that of his wife. Once she is enrolled in CHAMPVA, Kathy is going to quit the job that she’s been working strictly for the benefits, so she and Kent can travel and enjoy the time they have left together.
Kent, Kathy, and I are all grateful for your help. Thank you!
While I’m thanking people, how about a round of applause for my installation team: Adjutant Kristen Luevanos; Chief of Staff Kirk Rosa; Chaplain Kevin Reinhold; State Color Guard Captain Jerry Sallee, and members Queenie Barz, Jean and Alan Jaffe; and, of course, my Installing Officer John Holland.
Thank you, John, for always being a trusted resource and sounding board. You have been a mentor and a friend for many years, and I will continue to value your counsel throughout this year. Semper Fi!
Gerri, thank you for empowering me as your Senior Vice Commander. Congratulations on an outstanding year, and I look forward to being in Phoenix next month as you receive your All-American cover.
Phil, thank you for being such a great collaborator as we planned for this moment. I look forward to working with you on what I know will be an excellent year.
Ron Lattin, thank you for setting me on this journey by encouraging me to run for this position while we sat together at the All-American Luncheon in Kansas City many years ago.
Barbara Green, I remember asking you if I could teach a class on member retention at your first COA, and you told me you didn’t know exactly what I had in mind, but you gave me your blessing none the less. Your faith in me gave me the confidence to keep pushing new ideas. Thank you.
Dave Stone and Steve Kjonaas, you both always make time for me to pick your brains. Those conversations have been instrumental in helping me navigate this path. Thank you.
Bruce Dolan, thank you for sticking around one more year! I look forward to working with you and Lennie to recognize and thank all VFW and Auxiliary members that cross-recruit between our organizations.
Marsha Harrison, your passion for veterans is unwavering and contagious. Your leadership of our Post Auxiliary and the example that you set formed my opinion of what an auxiliary is and can be. You set a high bar. Thank you and I’m glad you are on my team.
I’m sorry if I missed anyone, but I want to end by thanking my family. Without their support I couldn’t do this. While I’m only one member of the VFW, my wife, daughter, mother, and sister are all members of the Auxiliary. This is how we can exponentially add to our voice. As soon as any of us recruit a new VFW member we should immediately start signing up their eligible family members.
Before we leave today, I’d like all the newly installed Council members to see the Chief of Staff and get your copy of this book. It’s called The Go-Giver.
Please read it before the August council meeting. I think the message of this book will set the tone for a successful year ahead. Once you finish the book, please give it to someone else in your Post, District, or community, and ask them to do the same.
Lastly, thank you Post 2121 and their Auxiliary for a wonderful Convention, and please join me and our State Auxiliary President Phil Reinpold for our reception.
I hope to see everyone there.